E2-Labs Certificate Programs

Certified PKI Expert

PKI is a security architecture that has been introduced to provide an increased level of confidence for exchanging information over an increasingly insecure Internet. A PKI establishes and maintains a trustworthy networking environment by providing key and certificate management services that enable encryption and digital signature capabilities across applications — all in a manner that is transparent and easy to use.

This guide to PKI provides the reader with a basic introduction to key terms and concepts used in a PKI including the use of encryption, digital signatures, public keys, private keys, digital certificates, Certificate Authorities, certificate revocation and storage. It mentions the features and services used by the PKI and the techniques involved in public key cryptography.

This 3-day course which is considered vital for anyone who will be administering a Managed Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solution, covering the issues and technologies involved in PKI in depth. The course gives hands-on practical experience of setting up and maintaining a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solution

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